Board of Directors

Ofer Levy

Chair, Board of Directors
Founder and chair, Lotem Strategies, a management and advisory company. Lecturer at the Reichman University (Interdisciplinary Center) School of Business. Partner in an initiative to train and recruit young people on the autistic spectrum to serve in intelligence positions in the IDF.

Shelly Shalit Shoval

Member, Board of Directors
Served for 27 years in key positions in the Strauss Group. Her most recent position was as director of Sabra and Ovala, global producers of spreads and dips for Strauss and Pepsico. Holds a BA in industrial management and MA in philosophy from Tel Aviv University.

Leon Avigad

Member, Board of Directors
Entrepreneur and businessman; one of the owners of the Brown hotel chain. Serves on the board of several leading companies.

Nora Berger

Member, Board of Directors
More than 20 years experience in non profit organizations in the United States, most recently as Senior Development Director at AIPAC.